Bonjour. Welcome to
«French with Shelley».

French classes 2024
Term 2 Face-to Face
April – July

Some of the information on this site is in French, some in English. If you do not understand the French, use your computer TRANSLATE button to get the general idea (please don’t die of laughter at some suggestions) – or send me an email. Je suis à votre service. Contributions in either language are most welcome.

Phone 07 578 9416 or email .
Merci beaucoup.

French With Shelley
Keeping Community Education Alive in the Bay


French Events

Fly Funky Fly Game Evening: 26th September

French Baking:  Baguettes & Bread Making Class

French Classes : Term 3 2024

French Movies : What’s On

Petanque at the Mount:  Tues Sat Sun

La Maison Blanche

Who copied who ?

Have a Go: Have Fun with Fly Funky Fly

Games Evening 26th September

On Screen: To 25th September

Current Week to 25th September

New Caledonian Film Festival 2024

20th & 21st October

Si j’étais président…

If I were President

Saint Gilles et le Campingcaristes

Campervanners & St Gilles

La Nouvelle-Zélande au Menu

NZ on the menu

Ateliers Peinture avec Audrey 2024

Pastel Workshop Sept 20th

Vide-Grenier Garage Sale

Sunday 18th August

Le Petit Pain au Chocolat

Song by Joe Dassin

Le Péage en flux libre

Free-Flow Toll Roads

Message de sécurité

A safety message

EURO 2024

EURO Semi- finals Wed 10th (NZ)

sadfrog le 29 janvier 2024

Racing DNA

sadfrog le 26 janvier 2024

Oranges & Lemons

sadfrog le 22 janvier 2024

Rum & coke spiders

sadfrog le 21 janvier 2024

International Hug Day

sadfrog le 20 janvier 2024

A design fault

sadfrog le 19 janvier 2024

Soul mates